ICH.Füzberki Morvenny Bakc To
*25.4.99 - 7.2010
HIPS tested, working test OK
breeder: Judith Szilagyi, Szeged, Hungary
My thanks To his breeder for nice and lovely dog.
Ich. Lochranza Black Mirage |
Canyonn Carbon Copy |
Sh. Ch. Helenwood Avalaf |
Sh. Ch. Canyonn Cassandra |
Lochranza Carol Ann |
Lochranza Black Peppermill |
Lochranza Here We Go |
Bozótligeti Yanaida |
Birchen Bas |
Bobbinbrae´s Solitaire of Cornbow |
Soother´s Briquet |
Bozótligeti Black Italien Staile |
Ich. Aro´s Golden Hero |
Bozótligeti Balck Ticket To Ride |
10 mìsícù / monthes 20 mìsícù / monthes