ICH.Füzberki Morvenny Bakc To Basic

*25.4.99 - 7.2010
HIPS tested, working test OK
breeder: Judith Szilagyi, Szeged, Hungary
My thanks To his breeder for nice and lovely dog.

Ich. Lochranza Black Mirage

Canyonn Carbon Copy

Sh. Ch. Helenwood Avalaf

Sh. Ch. Canyonn Cassandra

Lochranza Carol Ann

Lochranza Black Peppermill

Lochranza Here We Go

Bozótligeti Yanaida

Birchen Bas

Bobbinbrae´s Solitaire of Cornbow

Soother´s Briquet

Bozótligeti Black Italien Staile

Ich. Aro´s Golden Hero

Bozótligeti Balck Ticket To Ride


10 mìsícù / monthes                                                  20 mìsícù / monthes